Guideline for human resource management
XINGDA understands employees’ needs, respects their values, fulfills their potential, encourages their creativity, and promotes the common development of employees and the Company.

Employment principle
XINGDA has always attached importance to the development and utilization of human resources. We attach importance to the development of its internal rules and regulations, and effectively integrates recruitment, training, remuneration & benefits, and performance assessment. Through internal training, recommendation for further study, external recruitment and other flexible means, XINGDA endeavors to build its multi-level and multi-disciplinary talent pool, so as to lay a solid foundation for corporate development.

Talent development principle
The difference between the introduction of talents and the engagement in work to the best efforts is equivalent to the difference between leaders and role models. Only by introducing talents and continuously training them can employees become competent at all levels of positions. The Company’s future leaders are naturally generated from collective efforts, from employees and from supervisors at all levels, and are appointed on the basis of meritocracy. The Company’s criterion for talent is: to be both morally and professionally qualified.

Special policies for fresh graduates
It involves the talent allowance after one year of service; the three-year talent development strategy for fresh graduates; the position-transfer mechanism for new employees; the quarterly townhall meeting by the Company’s senior management; the tracking and training mechanism by the human resources center; the one-on-one mentoring mechanism for new employees; the special subsidies for mentors and annual selection mechanism.